Davis Gaslighting Bahamians On Yesterday’s Events

Dec 5, 2024

December 5, 2024

The Prime Minister and his army of spin masters and propogandists are trying to paint an
ugly picture of yesterday’s events, claiming that, among other lies, the Opposition’s
actions were a “planned and coordinated assault”.

He is taking absolute nonsense, and the tape tells the tale.
Davis must have forgotten that The Bahamian people have eyes and ears, which is why
no one is buying their sob story.

Yesterday, St. Barnabas Member of Parliament and FNM Deputy Leader Shanendon
Cartwright seized and threw the ceremonial mace of the House of Assembly out of the
rear right window. Opposition Members of Parliament then endured a series of overly
aggressive actions by members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force to push, pull, drag
and haul them outside of the House of Assembly by any means necessary. We have the
scars, ripped clothing and bruises to prove it.

At no time was the Speaker of the House of Assembly’s life in danger, as she dramatically
and inexplicably claimed.

At no time did any Opposition member lay hands on a government member—it was the
recklessly thrown arm of a police officer that landed the North Eleuthera Member of
Parliament in hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Witnesses, including every major news house in the country published videos that
chronicled the day’s events as they unfolded. Internationally, yesterday’s demonstration
was accurately referenced against the backdrop that contributed to it.
As Reuters noted, the Opposition’s actions come “after U.S. federal prosecutors charged
several high-ranking Bahamian police officials with facilitating the flow of cocaine into the
U.S. in exchange for bribes.”

The Opposition has been consistently denied the opportunity to speak on this matter of
national importance. The people are fed up, outraged and offended.
The world now knows the Opposition will not sit idly by and allow the people’s voice to be

Free National Movement

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